This unique systems consists of 9 different shaped pavers which can be used to
make quadrants, semi-circles and circles, in a choice of five different diameters
up to 3.9 metres.
Can be incorporated into a patio, laid using 450mm square riven slabs without
cutting. 450mm wide and 600mm wide paths can be laid using No 3, No 4
and No 5 rotary pavers.
For paths, pond surrounds, bow fronted patios, plant
surrounds etc.
For complementary 450mm square and 600 x 450mm moulds, see our Sawn
Edge Riven range - (order code 04 SAW 10)
No 9 can be used instead of centre pavers
Order Code
Circle Moulds
04 ROT 172
Full Circle set (72 pieces)
04 ROT 118
Quarter Circle set (18 pieces)
Edge Moulds
04 ROT 06
Rotary mould No 6 - 450mm
04 ROT 07
Rotary mould No 7 - 450mm
04 ROT 08
Rotary mould No 8 - 450mm
04 ROT 09
Rotary mould No 9 - 450mm
04 ROT 10
Rotary mould No 10 - 450mm
04 ROT 11
Rotary mould No 11 - 450mm
04 ROT 12
Rotary mould No 12 - 450mm
04 ROT 13
Rotary mould No 13 - 450mm
04 ROT 14
Rotary mould No 14 - 450mm
Cheshire Rose "Rotary" Paving
This unique systems consists of five different shaped pavers which can be used
inside our traditional Riven pattern rotary paving, giving you a flexible centre piece and your customers a choice in design.
Can be incorporated into a patio laid using 450mm square riven slabs without
450mm wide and 600mm wide paths can be laid using No 3, No 4 and
No 5 Rotary pavers. For patios, plant surrounds etc.
For complementary 450mm square and 600 x 450mm moulds, see our Sawn
Edge Riven range - (order code 04 SAW 10)
Order Code
Rose Shaped Moulds
04 ROS 99
Full Rose set (29 pieces)
Edge Moulds
04 ROT 06
Rotary mould No 6 - 450mm
04 ROT 07
Rotary mould No 7 - 450mm
04 ROT 08
Rotary mould No 8 - 450mm
04 SAW 10
Rotary mould edge - 450mm
Poynton Star Pattern "Rotary" Paving
This unique systems consists of five different shaped pavers which can be used
inside our traditional Riven pattern rotary paving giving you a flexible centre piece
and your customers a choice in design.
Can be incorporated in a patio, laid using 450mm square riven slabs without
450mm wide and 600mm wide paths can be laid using No 3, No 4 and
No 5 Rotary pavers. For patios, plant surrounds etc.
For complementary 450mm square and 600 x 450mm moulds, see our Sawn
Edge Riven range - (order code 04 SAW 10)